A Dumas play: Margot

Hi folks!

This is a very expressive note. The artist has defined the model’s face in the most ‘economical’ way possible. The whimsical genius of the green background helps to enhance her figure, thus giving it greater volume.

Thanks for your visits.

By Bérard, C. – Costume design for Queen Marguerite character.


Filed under mythology allegoric literary biblical and religious

6 responses to “A Dumas play: Margot

  1. I love the way you are able to analyze art – and the woman’s face reminds me of Katherine Hepburn

    Liked by 1 person

  2. christinenovalarue


    Liked by 1 person

  3. A lovely whimsical sketch which conveys the deftness of the artist’s hand.

    Liked by 1 person

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