
Below own work

22 responses to “Portrait

  1. Daniel Lori

    Dear Christopher,
    The Tintoretto drawing: Adam and Eve
    Do you know where the original is?

    Liked by 2 people

    • Hi Lori, I guess you know that the painting is in Accademia Gallery, Venice, but on the preparatory sketch, right now I have no information about its origin. Have you realized the original composition of a diamond shape inside an ellipse?. Thanks for visiting this blog. Have a nice day and come back soon.


    • Long time ago and during some years I practised the ‘nude drawing’ in a academy, but only for a few days these models and sitters were motif for portrait. It was a exciting experience, so different than to perceive all the body. Now is something that I didn’t continue but I don’t have forgot that. Thanks a lot for visit the blog!


  2. My favorite: woman in glasses, lower left. She looks very alive. And thoughtful.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Portraits are something I am currently working on, and it is wonderful to look back through the catalog of greats for inspiration. It really takes close study of the human form over and over to train your eye to look past what your brain tells you is a “nose” and just draw what you see. That is where the magic happens.

    Thanks for posting inspiration.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Oh dear Jean, I’m sorry for the delay of my answer. You’re welcome, the merit is yours because you’re not only an excellent artist, you’re a sensitive and expert beholder.
      Yeah, you’ve got the key, when someone tries to portray I think is so important to forget what we could know and to begin from zero. We must to begin from the step about details that our sight is discovering, like we had never seen a face. The other 50% in my opinion is to throw the maximun love for the person we have in front of us.
      I’m sorry for my basic skill in english. Thanks so much for your comment. I appraise this a lot. ❤


      • Starting from the fundamentals is a great place to start. And I appreciate the idea of throwing the maximum love we have towards the person you are sketching. Somehow, this seems to shine through in the lines we form, which is remarkable. Thanks for your nice reply 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

      • And before each portrait our mind would be blank or ‘white’ as a simple paper. I’m so glad for have shared with you our experiences. Good luck for your next works, and thanks for answer ❤

        Liked by 1 person

  4. You are amazing talented!!!
    I adore your art.

    Liked by 1 person

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