Female nudes

Dear followers, please excuse my overtaking for the first comment of this post, but I thought necessary to do it. This is about the 10th picture. Thanks and best wishes.

By Marquet - Nude in front the stove

By Marquet – Nude in front the stove

By Rembrandt - The girl who shows her right armpit

By Rembrandt – The girl who shows her right armpit

By O'Keeffe, Georgia - Untitled

By O’Keeffe, Georgia – Untitled

By Kirchner - The washing of the feet

By Kirchner – The washing of the feet

By Picasso - Reclining nude

By Picasso – Reclining nude

By Matisse - A woman's back

By Matisse – A woman’s back

By Burrington, S. - Flowers over a female nude

By Burrington, S. – Flowers over a female nude

By Van Doesburg, Theo - Woman sitting study

By Van Doesburg, Theo – Woman sitting study

By Rodin - A woman on a tub

By Rodin – A woman on a tub

By Schiele - The anorexic

By Schiele – The anorexic

By Zorn, Anders - Seated girl in the bathroom

By Zorn, Anders – Seated girl in the bathroom

By Dufy - Female nude viewed from rear

By Dufy – Female nude viewed from rear

By Avery - Woman posing beside the couch

By Avery – Woman posing beside the couch

By Schlemmer, Oskar- Mermaid

By Schlemmer, Oskar- Mermaid

By Schmidt-Rottluff - Statuette woman holding her right breast

By Schmidt-Rottluff – Statuette woman holding her right breast

By Degas - Nude on her back with legs apart

By Degas – Nude on her back with legs apart

By Cézanne - Veneration to the blonde model

By C̩zanne РVeneration to the blonde model

By Bonnard - Standing woman in the bathroom

By Bonnard – Standing woman in the bathroom


Filed under female nudes

24 responses to “Female nudes

  1. Hi, as draftsman, I believe anything can be interesting as a motif. As a lover I opine that the sort of body depicted by Schiele is not good to receive caresses.
    But as a civic and a consumer I think that we should to back away the current wild market and its freedom for to advertise and promote, it means what it is dictating about sizes and fashion. Life is not only business. Cheers!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Annie B

    I think my favorite is the O’Keeffe.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Annie, because her interest is the same or more than the motif itself, Georgia usually let flowing her paintbrush and water with an cleverness and freedom, really enviable. Thanks a lot for your comment. xo

      Liked by 1 person

      • Annie B

        It’s just an ethereal beauty to my eyes. You are so welcome. I love the art you share.

        Liked by 1 person

      • So true as you say: ethereal and also nearest to the abstraction’s world. To get the pleasure as observers it is not necessary to take notice about a lot of details, we can let flow our subconscious. Thanks again for your friendly comment 😉

        Liked by 1 person

  3. My favorite is the Oskar-Mermaid 😀 Insiparation galoreeeee 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Nicole, your choice is so refined and mystic. This sketch is made as an autograph the thick lines and strokes are made slowly, as it happens on the buttock and the profile of the face, and the narrows are made more quickly. The author follow the disposition of the western writings, starting on the left side towards the right. Although this artist was worried about geometry and the two lines parallels around the torso could be made to operate as a double axis. I’m so glad for your comment. I’m sorry for this delayed answer. Best wishes and have a nice day. See you soon. 😉

      Liked by 1 person

      • Thank you for this detailed reply 😀 How the artist made that Oskar-Mermaid is pure genius, very different from what I have seen over the past few years 🙂 Best wishes to you too and have a terrific day! See you in the future 😀

        Liked by 1 person

      • Oh Nicole, I’m pleased we meet, to talk always you want. Just the half of the genius you say, belongs to your sensibility and wisdom. I’m grateful because you gave the chance to declare my opinion. This kindness proceeded from you. ;D

        Liked by 1 person

  4. All these Nudes have a different story to tell and are all interesting/fascinating. I love how Burrington celebrates and honors the female body, so simple with flowers but still not sentimental. Have a lovely Sunday, Johanna

    Liked by 1 person

    • So true, the Burrington work is full of flowers over female nudes. The author extracted the formula from the art of prints that the japanese artists were teaching during centuries, the shapes on the paper are independent from the motif. It means a sort of playing. Take notice, the flowers could be as tattoos, but not really because there are a lot on the floor, but not really because is not a floor, is depicting as a upright paper. Realise how a big stain is leaking sobre el papel. This is a decorative motif. Oh Johanna, we could talking about art so many hours… Thanks so much, for your sensible comment, and have a nice day. This sunday seems so hot, but that’s ok we are on summer. 😉


      • You made me look at the artwork again and again. You are so right, the position flowers give that strange demension to the painting, that’s why it is interesting instead of sentimental. The celebration of her beauty is everywhere. And are flowers floating from her or attracted to her…what a joy! Thank you for a good start of indeed a very muggy Sunday. Outside feels like hot stale tub water;0) So good to have a good ‘indoors world’ !


      • By your sensitivity towards art and by your words so suitable, I think I’m in front a Princess of Empathy and therefore I can only be thankful for your comment. I kiss your hand. (Sorry, really the muggy weather could brought me to this anachronism). Have a nice day and night, and thanks, Johanna. (And thanks again for understanding the joke). 😀

        Liked by 1 person

  5. It’s so interesting to see the female body represented in so many ways– usually we just view them one at a time. I love that each artist expresses what he or she sees, rather than a literal interpretation.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Lindy, what you say is just the goal of this blog to discover the infinite ways to depict with any stuff. Thanks for remember this essence. An sketch is a radiograph of the particular feeling and gaze of the artist. However a painting can be a disguise, maybe as a beautiful dress that would mask some details. This said, to an expert like you, the drawing would be the underwear. The depiction of the human body doesn’t have secrets, and could be boring, but these masters, just show as you said, their personal visions. I’m so grateful for your wonderful comment. And now I hope the next conversation between us. Always a pleasure. xo


  6. thefeatheredsleep

    Really really love this

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Classic & tasteful!

    Liked by 1 person

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