Tag Archives: cherub

Saints’ day. A baroque Cecilia

Hi Sisters, as an amateur singer, I’m so glad sharing with you, the celebration of this allegorical character.

Thanks a lot for your visits. Have a wonderful wednesday!

By anonymous artist after Parmigianino – St Cecilia aided by a cherub to carry a baroque contrabass


Filed under saints' day

Angels, putti and cherubs

By Redon, Odilon - The angel of the sword

By Redon, Odilon – The angel of the sword

By Bernini, Gian Lorenzo - Study for angel with a crown

By Bernini, Gian Lorenzo – Study for angel with a crown

By Dalí, Salvador - An angel between clouds

By Dalí, Salvador – An angel between clouds

By Bourdelle, Emile A. - A cherub pulling a wing of an angel

By Bourdelle, Emile A. – A cherub pulling a wing of an angel

By Passeri, Giuseppe - A praying angel

By Passeri, Giuseppe – A praying angel

By Tiepolo, G. B. - A putto that carries a woman embraced to an angel

By Tiepolo, G. B. – A putto that carries a woman embraced to an angel

By Reynolds, Joshua - A floating cherub holding a ribbon of a garment

By Reynolds, Joshua – A floating cherub holding a ribbon of a garment

By Della Porta, A. C. - Cupid on the lap of Diana hiding up the Love Arrow behind his body

By Della Porta, A. C. – Cupid on the lap of Diana hiding up the Love Arrow behind his body

By Chagall, Marc - Depiction of an angel holding a sword

By Chagall, Marc – Depiction of an angel holding a sword

By Carracci, Annibale - A floating chubby cherub

By Carracci, Annibale – A floating chubby cherub

By Barocci, Federico - A meeting of putti and angels over the clouds

By Barocci, Federico – A meeting of putti and angels over the clouds

By Burne Jones, Edward - Studies and sketches about wings of angels

By Burne Jones, Edward – Studies and sketches about wings of angels


Filed under mythology allegoric literary biblical and religious