Tag Archives: sheaves

Landscapes everything. The Quiz

The european Romantic landscapers of 19th-century, considered that ‘Someone that sees nothing in himself, he should stop depicting the landscape that is in front of him, till he can feel the nature’.

 Hi folks, today we have a funny quiz to guess. You only have to discover (not Wally… ha,ha…) where is the Tired Bearded.

I know…  Too easy, doesn’t it?

I want to use that work as example to remind my own theory about the ‘AMBIVALENCES’.  This  double effect that makes us to read a smile   🙂   instead of a colon, a hyphen and a parenthesis, is also another current example that often appears on the our life’s feedbacks.  

If you’re able to translate from spanish, I invite you to read six short paragraphs, about the ‘Ambivalences’ that I contribute when I was in the UAB (a university in Barcelona). Here is the link:


By Renoir, Pierre A. - A path near Saint Paul de Vence

By Renoir, Pierre A. – A path near Saint Paul de Vence

By Hollar, Wenceslaus - A coastal landscape

By Hollar, Wenceslaus – A coastal landscape

By Nash, Paul - An Iron Age hill-fort in Winterborne Monkton

By Nash, Paul – An Iron Age hill-fort in Winterborne Monkton

By Van Gogh - Field with sheaves

By Van Gogh – Field with sheaves

By Turner, J.M.W - People near a swiss lake

By Turner, J.M.W – People near a swiss lake

By Da Vinci - A mountain range

By Da Vinci – A mountain range

By Balthus - Unknown title

By Balthus – Unknown title

By Cézanne - A landscape with a church tower in the background

By Cézanne – A landscape with a church tower in the background

By Pissarro - Sunset

By Pissarro – Sunset

By Poussin - A grove

By Poussin – A grove

By Lorrain, Claude - Landscape in the Roman Campagna

By Lorrain, Claude – Landscape in the Roman Campagna

By Hockney - The lonely road

By Hockney – The lonely road


Filed under landscapes everything